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Ref no: 217
Property for: Sale
Location: The Alona region
Street: 1
Price: $ 850000 ILS: ₪ 3400000
Square: כ 40 דונם
Description: Land for sale in the Alona region. This farmhouse is located in the heart of the Alona region. The farm area to be sold consists of 12 dunams which is one block. Of this area 1.5 dunams can be used as a residential area and the rest can be used as farmland to cultivate crops. Alternatively, it can be rented to a third party. If one is going to build homes, two separate homes can be built as well as a swimming pool. Extensive remodeling needs to be carried out on the original farmhouse, or complete rebuilding. Additionally, there are an additional 20 dunams of land. These plots of land for sale are scattered around the area. If more information is required do not hesitate to contact us to receive any updates